Frequently Asked Questions

Why do the names on Brandsly have value?

Great names are very rare as millions of businesses and websites are being built every year. Every domain is unique, often times, we find names we like were taken by others many years ago, buying these names from the owners can be a lengthy process that doesn't always end with success. We have curated our hand-picked selection of highly sought after and rare domain names. They are not only great assets to own, but can also add enormous value to your business.

Is it safe to buy on Brandsly?

We have partnered with to bring you a simple, easy way to complete domain purchases. When you click on the "Buy Now" buttons, you will be redirected to to complete the transaction. is an escrow company that provides both secure processing of transactions and 100% buyer protection. We will only receive the funds after you receive the domain name. Please visit for further information. We can also process orders through another trusted escrow service Simply let us know if you prefer instead!

Do you give any discounts?

Our prices are usually lower than professionally appraised value and similar recorded domain sales on other marketplaces, therefore we don't give discounts. Unlike traditional domain buying processes, which can take up to months of back and forth negotiation, we strive to price each name reasonably.

Will I own the domain forever?

After you purchase a name from us, you will have full control over the domain. It is your responsibility to renew the domain each year to keep ownership of the domain. Renewal cost ranges from $8-$14 per name depending on the registar of your choice.

Can I register trademarks on the name I buy?

We do our best to ensure our names are not currently trademarked, so you can seek to trademark the name after purchasing it for your business. Most of our names are "invented" brandable names, which make them much easier to trademark than generic English words. However, we highly recommend checking with the trademark agency of your country to ensure the name can be trademarked.

Can I have the logo of the name I buy?

We design logos for the names to help you visualize the brand. If you like the logo and would like to use it for your business, we can provide the logo file upon request after you purchase the name. We do not provide custom logo design service at this time.